(Most) Memes Don't Lie

So there’s this meme going around that references the many New England seasons. The terms used to describe each variation of season, add a levity to what us natives grind through annually. Hell’s Front Porch, False Fall, Second Summer, Fools Spring, etc. Though we pride ourselves on tactical layering, and weather preparedness it can wear down even the snuggliest of snow bunny’s. Absolute Unpredictability is the only season we can truly rely on, and I assure you that we are in The Spring of Deception.

With this reliabilty of unpredictability also comes opportunity. A gentle reminder of what’s upon us. The light and color waiting in the shadow of winters wings. A chance for something new.

If your something new doesn’t happen to take place in the garden, reach out and schedule a walk through. We’ll use this time between now and The Third Winter, to prep and plan for a stress-free summer full of many New England seasons. All to be enjoyed on your beautifully landscaped lawn.

While The Spring of Deception is a nice precursor to itself, the most important conclusion to draw from natures warning shot, is to stock up on your allergy meds. The Pollening is near.