Everything starts with a seed. Seeds anchor roots that provide support beneath the wild world above. Roots which we nourish and nurture so they may give back with strength and balance to support the wildness of their blooms. We find little else in this life is as simple and as sweet as the gifts that nature gives us.

Trusted by clients, Damein and Jessica are true professionals. They are a team at home and at work. They take great pride in making sure all aspects of your projects are cared for.

DAMEIN (owner)

Meet Damein. He is the mind and the muscle. His love for landscaping is evident in every job he does and it shows. With patience and consideration for your landscape needs, you can be confident that Damein will have your best interest at heart. When you love what you do it's obvious to the onlooker and there is no doubt landscaping was a seed planted early on in Damein.

Growing up in Rockport, MA he was raised in the family business (the incredibly meticulous family business) of precision machining. The detail necessary for this field has only proven to be an asset throughout his life and shows in the care he puts into his own jobs. After attending Essex Agricultural school in his twenties, Damein started a small landscape company. From there life took him on a journey around New Hampshire, ultimately landing him in South Hampton where he and his wife Jessica live today.


JESSICA (owner)

Meet Jess. She's the marketing and management. Her love for business is almost as prominent as her passion for anything that grows from the earth. She prides herself on efficient, organized systems and enjoys checking things off her list. Probably even a little too much. With a passion for business coursing through her veins she knows that it doesn't just take customers to be successful, it's keeping them that is key.

While growing up in Danvers, MA, Jess's family drilling business had her spending more time with field crews than school friends, and playing office instead of house. She has always been more comfortable in her overalls with her hands deep in the dirt, finding fulfillment in a tangible result. After graduating from the carpentry program at North Bennet Street School Jess began bringing her organizational tactics and planning skills to various construction companies throughout New England. She fills her days helping small businesses create more efficient operations while practicing and preaching fluidity between the field and the office. Her get-it-done spirit is no secret and in her free time, you'll catch her in the garden or puttering away in her woodworking workshop. Follow her garden adventures on her new blog Nature Nurtures, which you can find under the What’s Growing On tab.