Spring Song

The symphony of Spring flows with purpose. Carefully, she picks and chooses her next note, as if conducting an orchestra of earths instruments. With each flick of the baton a new chord is struck, adding to the melody in the composition of the season.

The call of the songbird whispers in my ear… meep, meep - wake up, it’s near!

Geese glide closer, with their low, slow, honks vibrating in the sky. Snow-melt bubbles and babbles over chilly stones and sticks, loosening winters grasp on the river bed below. Former frost heaves, now hollowed shells suspended in mid air, crunching and cracking beneath our feet. The moisture once binding them now dappling the breeze with the rich scent of soil. Dew drops plink and plunk on tiny, bursting buds. Dusk brings in our frog friends and sweet peeps ring from the forests edge. A jingling courtship, a lullaby of love cloaking the night sky. Earths instruments in natural harmony.

Song was born in nature, song was born in Spring.